Pocket Frogs Wiki
Pocket Frogs Wiki

Redvsbluefan100 Redvsbluefan100 24 January 2011

Customized frogs anyone!?

Recently, I have seen cool looking unique customized frogs floating around on the internet. Does anyone have any and is willing to trade? I am a lvl 20, have all species plus all of the special frogs (Ludo, Lanterna, Glacia, Tribus, chroma frogs ect.) and will be more than willing to trade for customized froggies :) my plus id - mybetlog

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Redvsbluefan100 Redvsbluefan100 7 December 2010

Not enough habitats!?...

First off, Pocket Frogs is absolutely amazing! It's fun, simplistic, highly addictive gameplay will have you playing for hours at a time! I have personally been playing for quite a while and enjoy playing every minute of it. Although this game is addicting and flat out fun, I've stopped playing it for quite some time now, and play far less frequently. Why? This is because the limit on how many frogs and habitats you can have is (in my opinion) is way to little! In other words, not enough! The absolute max number of frogs in the game you can have is 64 (including the nursery) and with so many frogs to obtain in this game, this limit is quite low. My idea of a possible solution is to gain a new habitat for every 2 levels earned AFTER the max…

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Redvsbluefan100 Redvsbluefan100 16 November 2010

Glass Chroma Sol and Glass Chroma Lucus!?

Is anyone willing to send me these 2 frogs?? If so I can send you any two frogs in my habbitats or any scenery that you guys may like :)

my plus id is- mybetlog

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Redvsbluefan100 Redvsbluefan100 12 November 2010

Glass Chroma Corona??

Hey does anyone have a glass chroma corona?? My id for plus is- mybetlog

I am willing to trade:

Glass Chroma Amfractus

Black Chroma Tribus

and a Black Chroma Zebrae

all 3 for 1 glass chroma corona please!

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