Pocket Frogs Wiki
Pocket Frogs Wiki

This can be purchased from the supply shop for 181 coins.


This can be purchased from the supply shop for 4,196 coins

The Supply Shop contains Scenery and Habitat Backgrounds that can be purchased for the frog's habitats. Each time the player levels up, another four purchase slots are unlocked with items equivalent to the player's level (two scenery items and two backgrounds per level). The total number of slots available to the player is reached at level 9 at 36 slots. The items available in the Supply Shop change daily.

Picture, Description, Name, Level, Cost, Happiness, and Appearance in Habitat of All Scenery is Available in the Page Scenery

Description, Cost, and Name of All Habitat Backgrounds available in the Page Habitats

Player Level Slots Unlocked Item Level Coins

Delivery Time

1 4 1 101 0:30:00
2 4 2 116 0:36:00
3 4 3 181 1:03:00
4 4 4 356 2:14:00
5 4 5 725 4:46:00
6 4 6 1396 9:20:00
7 4 7 2501 16:53:00
8 4 8 4196 1:4:00:00
9 4 9 9999 1:21:00:00