Picea is a jet-black secondary color, with an RGB identifier of 0, 0, 0.
The word Picea is Latin for pitch pine trees.
Picea frogs are required for the following awards:
- CMYK: Requires a mature Azure Picea Anura, Violet Picea Anura, Yellow Picea Anura, and Black Picea Anura.
- Ninja Dojo: Requires a mature Black Picea Serpentis, Black Picea Partiri, and Black Picea Zebrae.
- Ladybugs: Requires eight Red Picea Punctis.
- Safari: Four of the eight frogs must be mature White Picea Zebraes.
- Black and White: Requires a mature White Picea Puncti, White Picea Roboris, and White Picea Spinae.
- 2 bee or not 2 bee: Requires two mature Golden Picea Partiris.
- Jailbirds: One possible way to achieve this is by having eight mature White Picea Partiris (pictured above).
- Cattle Drive: Four of eight frogs must be White Picea Bovises.
- Yin Yang: One frog must be a White Picea Spinae.
- Endangered 2: One frog must be a Marine Picea Ornatus.
Similarly to Black Floris frogs, White Picea frogs are quite common for awards.