Pocket Frogs Wiki
Forums: Index > Help desk > Safe to wipe iPad?

My partner recently got a new iPad from his work and passed his old one to me. I had been playing PF on the old iPad and now have a nice collection. However, I'd like to wipe the iPad to start fresh on it. Is there a way I can save all my lovely froggies and still perform a wipe?

Your game is backed up to the Plus+ servers every half an hour or so if you're connected to the internet so thre should be a fairly recent copy of your game floating around out there in their system. If you wipe your iPad & reinstall Pocket Frogs, you'll be asked to log in to Plus+ the first time that you launch the app, so just login w/ your info & choose to restore your game, not start a new one. If you click the Help icon (pink question mark) @ the top of your main menu in the game there is a section titled 'Backups & Switching Devices' @ the bottom w/ the info for you.

So there is! Thanks for the info. :)

You're very welcome ;-) Lanthimus