Pocket Frogs Wiki
Forums: Index > Help desk > Requests on Android is not giving me a request for 4 days

I was playing on the pond when a *request* came though while on my Android. I dismissed it instead of viewing it. That was about 4 days ago. Since then I have restarted my phone shut down and restarted the phone and still no requests have come back as of yet. Has anyone on an Android had this happen and has it been resolved?


Pjmecca (talk) 23:47, July 19, 2012 (UTC)

So if any other android user has this problem... the people who are suppose to give help when issues arise gave me the uninstall/ re install solution... The actual solution is to go into your settings and clear your memory in your phone. Since Pocket Frogs is on a server the only thing that changes is what your phone has logged... Being smart people that we are.. I am sure you all understand but I figured I would still explain... so Hopefully there might be another Android User who will appreciate this information.

Happy Frogging..Pjmecca (talk) 02:13, August 19, 2012 (UTC)