Pocket Frogs Wiki

I am new to this game but am already hooked. I do not understand the weekly sets. How do I get the frogs of the current set? Are these frogs we find in the presents in the pond? Thank you for your help.

Forums: Index > Help desk > Question about weekly sets

For example if you needed a Black Muscus Geminus, one way to get it is use the Frog Requests Form on this wiki or you could breed frogs like a Black Muscus Orbis with a Emerald Cafea Geminus. One of the possible offsprings would be a Black Muscus Geminus. But since you are new to this game and are problably at a low level I suggest you use the Frog request form located on this wiki.

Kululu12 05:14, December 31, 2011 (UTC)kululu12