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Forums: Index > Frog Requests > Many Arbor, Lucus and Amfractus to give away, hoping to get Ligo, Corona or any endangered frog!

Hi there,

I have many Lucus, Arbor and Amfractus to give away (many colors) as well as a couple of glass chroma lanterna. I am hoping to gain a Ligo and Corona or any Legendary frog. My plus id is tifa7777. I'm new to this so hopefully I am helping out! 16:08, March 9, 2011 (UTC)tifa7777

Sent you a couple frogs I don't need, Legendary status. Olive Floris Magus and Yellow Picea Magus, should be good to race. 3/9/11 - 16:27, March 9, 2011 (UTC) pacohaas

Thank you so much! These are wonderful frogs :) 16:34, March 9, 2011 (UTC) tifa7777

no problem, enjoy :) Pacohaas 16:36, March 9, 2011 (UTC)

Hey I would love to get anyone of them. ID is dawnstar73. Thanks

Can I have a frog please? my ID is echostar5689 Thanks!