Hi! My ID is Tripleplay98 I really need a Ludo frog please! I can trade anything Level 13 and under
please send me a ludo i will trade and a lanterna imp1999 please
Same here love to have a ludo frog, just added your plus account, my account is tankib. Thanks in advance.
Would love a new Ludo frog please....Uncertain8 (By the way, while Uncertain may often be my state of mind, it's actually derived from a charming town in Texas.
Hi, I'm tan-kan, I sent Ludo frog now. Enjoy :)
To vivaladiva42, sorry for my mistake. You sent Ludo for requester, didn't you? I misunderstand you need Ludo...If you need anything else, please ask me. Sorry again..
Hi, I'm doomgrin, i'd love to have a ludo frog. Thanks! Sent you a Ludo and a Sol. Enjoy! Tifa7777 18:46, March 11, 2011 (UTC) tifa7777
My plus Id is asorymera, I need a ludo please help me, I am willing to trade. Sent you a Ludo :) Tifa7777 18:46, March 11, 2011 (UTC) tifa7777 Hi mi plus I'd is NoNamesAnymore and would rlly appreciate a ludo. Can trade glass chroma frogs.