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Forums: Index > Frog Requests > Insero Needed

My plus+ account is e-train1996. I will send a lantern or other frogs for a insero frog. Thanks---sent(: any Bulbus and trivium frogs please + ID: Laknat

2011-06-29: Hi, I'm suvidu and would be very happy about any insero frog to breed a tangelo viola insero. Tell me how I can help you then :-) Update: thank you, I have my insero :-) Suvidu 16:23, June 29, 2011 (UTC)

Highly there, I need any Insero frog to complete the latest weekly set. {C}I hope somebody can help me! {C}My plus account is Tizlin, I'm a lv12 player. I'll help back if I can! {C}Thanks.

insero sent, would like any frog for my froggydex :) -Darki113r 21:28, November 25, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for the insero! I sent you an aqua tingo arbor, hope it can help you =].

I just found out that Tribus and Lanterna are no longer available.Do you happen to have any of them? Thank you anyway!

froggies sent by Darki113r 15:22, November 26, 2010 (UTC)

My Plus+ name is Specklegaze and I also need an Inseroc can someone please help. I will try to send you something you want

My Plus+ name is ethanargentina can u send me a insero frog. I will send one u need back

froggies sent, would like any frog for my froggydex Darki113r 02:51, November 27, 2010 (UTC)

My Plus+ account is anelobwi and I need an Insero. Willing to trade let me know what you need.

sent! enjoy : ) -Sraedi 11/29/10

I need an Insero too! My Plus+ name is frogmaster1995. I will help back! THANKS

Happy New Year ;-) Lanthimus

I need an Insero too!!! My username is lilly5005. I will help you!! THANKSSSSSSSSS

Sent, enjoy :) - isabetta 20 Mar 2011

I need an Insero! My username is apoe92.. I've got Laterna, Tribus, whatever I can send back! Thanks! [monday march 28]

  Skeeter-35  Sent apoe92 and etrain 1996 an insero. I would love a Tribus!

Can I have an insero pretty pretty please my username is hanniuk __________

Plus+ ID : Penehu . Would love any Insero. Can trade frogs from the Easter Set - Geminus, Adamantis, Armfractus, Ludo and Gyrus. I also own a Lanterna.

4.28.2012: I'm erinamelia, sent you an insero, would love a Geminus

Desperately need any color Insero!! Willing to trade any frog under level 14!!! My GameCenter is Xofyps :-) thanks! 9/29/13 Update: never mind, I found one :) 11/11/13