I have 4 lanternas and will gladly trade them for any endangerd or legendary frog. I won't run out because I will breed them for as many people as I need to. If you want a specific color than let me know. I will try to give you the color you request, but no guarantees. Just add me to your friends, send me a legendary and I promise to send you a lanterna in return.
My username is KaraD97. In order to specify if you want a Lanterna or a Glacios, send me any shade of red, yellow,white, brown or orange for lanterna and any shade of green, blue, purple, or black for Glacios. Or post what you want on this page. Or post what frog you want on this page.
I sent you a green lucas for a glacio please =) a maroon sol will be coming soon for a lanterna..my ID is niclia
I sent you a golden ornatus (I think, should have written the breed down) on friday for any lanterna, my ID is kasey0608. Thank you very much! (Received 7/25, thank you!)
I am sending a Legendary Purple Tingo Magus..... I would love any Lanterna at all! Thank you, my id is marmotgrl (yep- no 'i') Thank you!!!!!
I sent you a Violet Carota Magus please send someone a free frog I just got a lanterna. Thank you. id WallyRuss
My ID is BuffyFrogger27. I sent you an orange ornatus and an azure sol in exchange for any lanterna and any glacia. Thanks much!!