Finally completed my Glow set. They take sooo long to mature that I'd rather give them away and save you the time. I'll sell them Monday if no interest.
- 2 Black Folium Magus
- 2 Black Folium Pingo
- 2 Black Folium Veru
- 2 Black Folium Ocularis
Many, many extra Ocularis available from my evil breeding experiments.
ankhinc can you spare a magus? thanks
- louisdepoo
I'd love the set if you're still looking for a good home for them, if not and you could spare an extra ocularis I'd appreciate it very much. You looking for anything in return?
-WaffleJack 23:49, April 2, 2011 (UTC)
Got some stamps. any chance i could get an ocularis. im trying to breed enough to get a black choma one.
Tell me what you want and ill see what i can do,
Is there any Ocularis left? If not, I'll take a Pingo instead. Username is goldenwings2! Thanks :)
Any 2 frogs please ID: Toadetterocks
Any 2 frogs please ID: echostar5689