Pocket Frogs Wiki
Forums: Index > Frog Requests > Glow set to give away

Finally completed my Glow set. They take sooo long to mature that I'd rather give them away and save you the time. I'll sell them Monday if no interest.

  • 2 Black Folium Magus
  • 2 Black Folium Pingo
  • 2 Black Folium Veru
  • 2 Black Folium Ocularis

Many, many extra Ocularis available from my evil breeding experiments.

ankhinc can you spare a magus? thanks

- louisdepoo

I'd love the set if you're still looking for a good home for them, if not and you could spare an extra ocularis I'd appreciate it very much. You looking for anything in return?

-WaffleJack 23:49, April 2, 2011 (UTC)

Got some stamps. any chance i could get an ocularis. im trying to breed enough to get a black choma one.

Tell me what you want and ill see what i can do,


Is there any Ocularis left? If not, I'll take a Pingo instead. Username is goldenwings2! Thanks :)

Any 2 frogs please ID: Toadetterocks

Any 2 frogs please ID: echostar5689