I was still working on completing "Hawaiian Sunset" when Pocket Frogs pulled up "Bullseye", the newest Weekly Set. If I choose "Get New Set", will I be able to go back and work on Hawaiian Sunset, finish it, and go on to Bullseye again, or will I end up skipping Bullseye forever?
Batshua 20:46, December 6, 2010 (UTC)
Well, my daughter's account still has Hawaiin Sunset as an option. My guess is that, as long as you don't click Get New Set, you'll be able to complete the set you're currently on. I'll redo the Hawaiin set and send it to her account to see if she can complete it and then get the next ones as well. Good question! 8)
Trip 04:08, December 7, 2010 (UTC)
As far as Pocket Frogs is concerned, I'm already on "Bullseye", although I'm not sure why. I thought perhaps the game pulled it up automatically even though I hadn't finished "Hawaiian Sunset". I wouldn't have chosen "Get New Set" before I was done.
Batshua 06:25, December 7, 2010 (UTC)
--> Yeah Batshua, I saw your post earler & I tried to find something online that would provide an answer for ya, but alas, instead of finding anything useful, I just ended up wandering aimlessly through Message Boards that had Pocket Frogs Topics full of people beggin' for random frogs. Sorry that I gave up on you before I could let you know what was going on, but if you need any specific frogs to complete either the Hawaiin Sunset or Bullseye Set, just let me know & I'd be more than happy to send them your way ;-) Lanthimus 06:42, December 7, 2010 (UTC)
Alright, I'm gonna go ahead and try "Get New Set" and see if I can get back to "Hawaiian Sunset", complete it, and return to "Bullseye", I'll report back with my results.
Batshua 08:09, December 7, 2010 (UTC)
Good Luck ;-)
I tried to get a new set, and it told me there weren't any new ones available. I guess I've lost my chance at "Hawaiian Sunset", although that seems to contradict what it says on the Weekly Sets page. What's the official word from NimbleBit?
Batshua 09:59, December 7, 2010 (UTC)
Official word from NimbleBit via email: "The only way for it to pull up the new set is if you had tapped "Get New Set" and then tapped continue on the warning message telling you that you will lose the current set. Unfortunately there is no way to go back, sorry :("
Batshua 20:06, December 7, 2010 (UTC)