Caelus is a sky-blue secondary color for frogs.
The word Caelus is Latin for "sky."
It has an RGB identifier of 0, 138, 255.
Caelus frogs are currently required for the following awards:
- Feeling Blue: All 3 frogs must be Blue Caelus; a Blue Caelus Adamantis, a Blue Caelus Viduo, and a Blue Caelus Stellata.
- Polka Party: 1 of 4 frogs must be a White Caelus Puncti.
- River Rock: All 8 frogs must be Black Caelus Cestis.
- Endangered 3: 1 of 2 frogs must be a Lime Caelus Lucus.
- Legendary 1: 1 of 2 frogs must be a Violet Caelus Insero.