Missing Imbris frog. My friend code is 2TB5S. I can send you any frog you need in return. Thank you so much!
I found your code below and it looks like you have it. Am I missing something?
What is your friend code?
Thank you!
Missing Imbris frog. My friend code is 2TB5S. I can send you any frog you need in return. Thank you so much!
Looking for Imbris also. My friend code is 2TB5S. I can repay with any frog you need. Thanks.
I could use a Ludo, any color. My code is. 2TB5S. Thank you so much,
I sent you a planeta. Hope that helps.
I could send you a glass Orbis. I really need a Ludo any color. My code Is 2TB5S. Thank you very much.
If you have any left I’d love to have one. 2TB5S is my friend code.
Im willing to trade if you see anything you’d like. Thank you.
Do you still need a Laterna? I have one to gift.
Thank you!
I love all the recent updates especially those that give XP. Can anyone tell me the purpose of the latest update, 3.6.3, that states “Ate a big bug.”
I don’t understand what this means or the purpose of this update. Could anyone help me?
Thank you very much for the gift. I sent you a level 14 BiFlex that I don’t think you have yet. Enjoy!
I’d love a Glacio as I don’t have any 2TB5S Let me know if you need anything. Thanks.