I’m working on some very old sets and willing to give them away once I’ve redeemed them. Currently I have all four frogs from the “Teen Ninja Frogs” set (2011 set 07). Just checking if anyone needs them?!
I’m working on some very old sets and willing to give them away once I’ve redeemed them. Currently I have all four frogs from the “Teen Ninja Frogs” set (2011 set 07). Just checking if anyone needs them?!
I’m a level 43 and have never regretted purchasing habitats. I’m not a currently a VIP member but doubling habitats are the primary reason I would consider it. I organize my frogs so that I have every pattern...two levels per habitat (18 total for 36 levels). Then for whatever pattern I am breeding at the time I have 3 habitats for primary colors and 2-3 habitats for secondary colors (usually 3 to reduce shuffling frogs around). I’m at a maximum capacity of habitats (32 plus the nursery) so that leaves me with 8 levels for working on sets and letting frogs mature. Doubling my habitats would be nice but I have played for over 10 years and don’t do a lot each days so it doesn’t tend to be that big of a deal to wait for them to mature in the existing habitats. BUT...if they release a bunch of new patterns (please please please) for upper levels I would definitely upgrade to VIP to allow for more habitats.
My code is Y7CF if you want to see how it’s organized.
Nope...I'm good! Thanks for the offer though.
@Karenkarenkaren just sent you a Persona! 🐸
@Lisbell40+ I didn’t have the color combo you were looking for but I was able to at least send the pattern you wanted!
Happy hopping! 🐸
Just sent you a dextera and marinas. Both are POP frogs so not available to get unless you find them in the frogmart (for 25 potions each) or if they are gifted.
@InvasiveSpecies Your offer to the community was so sweet I thought I would send a welcome gift! You have a Glacio and a Lanterna frogs for breeding and a high level frog for you to sell for a coin boost!
Thanks folks! I’ve got all the emerald frogs I need now. I’ll be sending out the thank you froggies soon!
Just send you Procursus and Arcus.
Thank you! Let me know if there is something I can send you in the future.
Just sent an Imbris and a Signum.
I’m taking a break from high level frog breeding and decided to go back to getting some of the earliest sets done. I have every pattern bread as chroma glass and currently every color and secondary in Lentiums.
My problem is I don’t have any low level frog in Emerald and breeding a Lentium (level 34) with a clunicula (level 3) is ridiculously expensive and not cost effective 😜 so I figured I would see if anyone has a low level emerald frog they are willing to send? I need an Emerald muscus clunicula to complete my current set but honestly would be happy with any emerald frog that is a level 5 or lower.
I will gladly send you any pattern frog you want or any color combo of Lentium.
This is a great chance for Newbies to get a high level frog to sell and get a coin boost for something your probably have too many of!
Free to good home! 😂
I have an extra glass chroma gyrus who had been tamed so rather than just selling it I figured I would see if anyone might need it. I have way more stamps than potions so it seems like a waste to sell him when he is so easily gifted.
First come...no trade required!
Just sent you a Persona and Vinaceus
I sent a persona, vinaceus and gyrus (levels 11, 12 and 13 POPS).
Have a great day!
Just sent a figularis and skeletos!
I sent you an Exclamo and Pompeius. Not sure if you have enough stamps to expedite their delivery. With the other 4 frogs you got I was afraid your mailbox would be full so only sent two but can send other soon if you have the space!
Just sent you a glass chroma Spira. I don’t need anything in return!