Hi! I’m looking for a persona and a gyrus, any color is fine. Let me know if you want anything in return! My FC is 2YZDS.
Also, I wanted to thank all the generous people in this community that have helped me (and others) out. I really appreciate it.
Thank you!
Hi! I’m looking for a persona and a gyrus, any color is fine. Let me know if you want anything in return! My FC is 2YZDS.
Also, I wanted to thank all the generous people in this community that have helped me (and others) out. I really appreciate it.
Hey! I’m looking for a glacio of any color. My friend code is 2YZDS. Any help is appreciated!
Hi! I’m looking for one dextera and one arbor. I’m trying to complete a weekly set and I’m trying to breed them myself so I just need one of each. I’m only lvl 6 so there is no way I’m getting them anytime soon and I’ve got the other six for the set so I want to breed the other two and I will free a whole habitat. My friend code is 2YZDS. I only have two mail slots open so only one of each please! Thanks in advance :-)