I have the Sunflower set - first code posted can have
I have the Sunflower set - first code posted can have
Sent Bulla, Ludo Gyrus
Bruno and Picea sent
Thank you
Hi all, can anyone help me with a Persona pls? Lv 35 happy to share any that I have with you thanks. 259J
No probs, thank u
Sadly no, if you have no room they will not be delivered
Sent high level frog that you can’t breed but can sell for coins
Sent POP frog lanterna - you won’t find him in the pond
Sent trivium, gyrus and bulla. If you get a gemminous and breed would love to recv one in return. Thanks 259J
Sent one
Make sure you have space in your mailbox to accept new gifts
Lever sent
Thank you - can I send you anything?
259J - Hi, I would love a pulvillus if anyone has one to spare. Check my
Frogs and if there is anything I can help,you with please ask.
Thank you