2JQSW I'm missing the trivium, and imbris. Also, I have a couple lanterna for the frog-o-lantern award and tribus for the tribus award.
I sent a bulbus, giminus, and ludo
I have everything now, but thank you.
Sent a lanterna and tribus
Sent one of each.
What else do you need, Meg. I might be able to help you out.
Meg, I Sent a dextera. I'm still missing the trivium and imbris and then I'm all set.
007furq, I sent a gyrus.
Yes, I do! Thank you so much. That and the Trivium are my last ones.
Sent a dextera
Do you have an imbris or trivium?
Thank you so much!
Nope. I just need those 3. Thank you for all your help.
Sent bulbus, glacio, and persona.
Sent a glacio and a persona
Someone sent me some already. Thank you! Do you happen to have an imbris, trivium, or signum?
I sent a bulbus. I bred some others. Gotta get some stamps to send them.
I sent an olive folium bulbus (for the palm tree? Collection) and a persona. Can you send a gyrus and orbis?
2JQSW I'm missing the trivium, and imbris. Also, I have a couple lanterna for the frog-o-lantern award and tribus for the tribus award.
2JQSW trivium, signum, and imbris are the ones I'm still missing.