I have 5 extra Vinaceus frogs rn, first come first serve and when they’re gone they’re gone.
Friend code - 84SB if you want to add me :)
Sorry I haven’t caught up on this until now, I’ll send these when I get home and have wifi tonight :)
I have 5 extra Vinaceus frogs rn, first come first serve and when they’re gone they’re gone.
Friend code - 84SB if you want to add me :)
It’s your lucky day lol, I was just about to give one away so it’s yours. I don’t care what you send, surprise me :)
Friend code- 84SB
What’s your code? I’ll need to breed some up but I’ll send them once they’re grown.
Spargo Please! 84SB
Do you need any frogs? I have all up to level 25.
Out of Bulbus, but it won’t let me edit the post, hope y’all enjoy!
I have approximately 6 extra bulbus frogs to giveaway (I’m not going to breed any others atm) I also have extra GLACIO, LATERNA, and TRIBUS. put your code in the comments and tell me which ones you’d like. **Make sure you leave your code and have room in your mailbox** —— my code is 84SB ——
Sent! I don’t need anything in return, if you want to pay it forward go ahead but you don’t need to if it’s too much work! Enjoy the extra ;) and make sure you have 3 slots available in your mailbox before you reload
Sent! you’re good, I have everything else at this point :)
I would recommend you use the one you already have and play the “search” game. Unless it’s an event frog it’ll pop up eventually and if you find it you can keep it. (I’m not sure if I have that frog so I can’t send but the “search” game is SUPER helpful :)
Awesome! I appreciate it! I’ve been to lazy to go to the pond to look my level frogs and the only ones in frog mart for sale have been imbris and mustachium for a while. lol
I’ll send lanterna :) my code is 84SB
I sent the first four and I’m waiting to breed the last two. Could you send any level 25?
I have a laterna I can send you :)
I have several extra Glacio Frogs rn! If you’re interested put your friend code in the comments. Glacios are event frogs so you can’t get them anywhere else but frog friends and the market so if you don’t have one I’ll happily send.
Also my friend code is 84SB, don’t forget to leave yours if you want one! :)
Thanks!! - I’m good now frogs!! :), did you want anything?
I would recommend going to a from around that level and playing the game called Search. It’ll have a frogs from that level for you to look for and if you find them you can either sell it or send it to your mailbox! I got a lot of new frogs that way! It costs coins but you can make some money back by finding the frogs and it’s cheaper than buying them in the froggydext. :)
I sent both to you. :)
Yeah, I can send you those!
I sent cornus because I had an extra but I’m waiting for flecto and templum to come in the mail so you should them by Monday. :)
Hey! I’m level 23, do you by chance have Volta? It’s the only frog I currently don’t have. My friend ID is 84SB.
Thank you! :)