Fairly new so any promos would be good but specifically looking for Tribus, Lanterna and Glacio
I sent them all! Let me know if you need any other breeds
Thank you so much!
Fairly new so any promos would be good but specifically looking for Tribus, Lanterna and Glacio
I just sent you a persona, bulbus, Vinaceus, Signum, Gyrus, and Trivium
And a Bulla
I have sent Arbor, Insero, Pingo and Magus
Thank you all!
Right now I am looking for these three frogs if anyone wants to send me some my friend code is 2NF6K. I can send you most any other from lvl 26 down.
@Kayelimac I sent you Dextera, Geminus, Amfractus, Obaro and Vinaceus. If you get a Marinus and want to send me a bred one, I would greatly appreciate it.
I sent you a Lanterna and Vinaceus. I can send a Bulbus in sometime once I have bred one.
Hey, I am trying to get the promotional frogs like Lanterna, Glacio, Marinus, etc. How is the best way to get them. I have seen some post of people just sending them as a gift? My friend code is 2NF6K