Froggies3701X·7/10/2021in GeneralGlass chroma lantern or glass chroma veru Glass Chroma VeruGlass chroma lantern Vote8 Votes in PollLanternaGlassChromaVeru
Rainy003·2/27/2021in GeneralLooking for these frogs... updated list. Codes is 2ZHK0 (Edited by Rainy003)VeruSignumGyrusArbor
Bacon bitch·9/23/2020in Frog TradingLooking for promo frogs and othersI'm looking for these at the moment: *edited*OcularisVeruObaroPersonaNebulaExclamoIn case anyone has these to send:) friend code 2J142I can send back frogs like Lanterna, Amfractus, Vinaceus, Geminus or any others you find in my habitats!(Edited by Bacon bitch)LanternaGiftsPromotional FrogsHabitatsVeru