Hey y’all just me again looking for any cool scenery trying to upgrade my habitats! My code is 297vL send anything my way including frogs I’ll take whatever!!:)
Hey y’all just me again looking for any cool scenery trying to upgrade my habitats! My code is 297vL send anything my way including frogs I’ll take whatever!!:)
I’ve been playing frogs on and off for a long time. I have at least one of every species and 100% of both Anura’s and Pompeius. My new goal is to use every species in creating sets and place them in a matching habitat with scenery to also match. I would love to get ideas from fellow froggers:) My friend code is 9THJ. I’m also willing to share frogs and scenery.
If you could make any type of scenery that got put on pocket frogs what would it be?
I look all days for some scenery in the supply shop but some I want are not there these few days...
I need your help to have these scenery :
Silver pendant
Orange Slice
Frog Idol
Red Bow
Golden Bow
China Aster
Orange butterfly
Giant violet flower
Dahlia Flower
Lime Slice
Passion Flower
Thank you for your help! :)
I have the VIP and my code is 2Z8PS
I am looking for any higher level scenery anyone can give me. I don't have much to give back, but any help would be greatly appreciated. I lost my old account and am trying to level up quickly and it really helps to be able to sell my frogs at a higher happiness. My code is 2LZRQ
If anyone has these types of frogs, I'd greatly appreciate a gift of one. I have some extra scenery or any type of frog from level 1-13 (upon request) if you need it in return! My friend code is 2DRQJ. Thanks!