I am only level 17 and need a nebula to complete a set. Would be very grateful if someone could gift me a nebula. I am new to this forum. Appreciate any neighbor adds. Will held with gifts as much as I can! Thank you!!
My code is 35TDH
I am only level 17 and need a nebula to complete a set. Would be very grateful if someone could gift me a nebula. I am new to this forum. Appreciate any neighbor adds. Will held with gifts as much as I can! Thank you!!
My code is 35TDH
Hi Everyone,
I recently picked up PF again. I played when it was a shiny new game and lost interest around the time the weekly sets stopped/no new frogs were coming out. And then they knocked out all my progress on weekly sets, so I guess I get to start over on that endeavor. Sigh.
I'm currently at lvl 37 and have nearly all the breeds. Working on increasing my relatively minuscule 16% froggydex number.
Feel free to add me :-) WM3G
Excerpt from Discussion "Neighbor Code Sharing"
1WRQ Chicadita
1XVF Shark4085
1300 AndroidFrogger
18G4 LittleFrogs
1HCT Funnygirl74
149D PlagueEleven
24F8 Ukrworld
25TB Comojo173
1M91 Rosadejamaica
2H92 OnkelOhio
240W lovzep5
2N80 SourisBleue
2QM1 Supermonky
2956 JennyZone
1L9K Isabetta
21GL CocoLoco4
2PR3 Mahsdad
1ZSD Melonman96
37LS Soootje
There used to be a neighbors thread but it must have beenburied once the app lost that function in some devices. The new version has a neighbor code, so post your neighbor code here and let's build a froggy community!
Go to Menu- Neighbors-
You'll see your code and an "Add Neighbor" button.
My code is: 1WRQ