I am currently trying to breed glass frogs and not having any luck. Could someone please give me an idea what I am doing wrong or if anyone has an extra I would be really appreciative. My friend code is: 3XLKM
Thank you
I am currently trying to breed glass frogs and not having any luck. Could someone please give me an idea what I am doing wrong or if anyone has an extra I would be really appreciative. My friend code is: 3XLKM
Thank you
I was trying to breed one, and have 2 extras. If someone is new, this might be a jumpstart on both of the rare types.
Just let me know if you want one.
Code: 46CRG
I was just breeding frogs for XP and money, when I noticed this.
I didn’t see this one on the Glass page so I thought I’d post it here.
Hey guys, i know i ask for a lot but i would like some help with some sets these ones in specific:
July 4th set
Full deck
Fine china
Glass marbles
Fish are friends
Cotton candy swirl
Blue moon
Sugar skulls
If you see anythinf in my habotats that you would like for yourself, i am willing to send it over, thank you all in advance.
Friend code:
Add me on Pocket Frogs by tapping this link! http://sync.nimblebit.com/af/pf/3D228
I used to play this game when I was much younger, and I recently returned to it for the sale of nostalgia- I have fond memories of trying to get one of all the frogs I could with the glass chroma, and I was wondering if anyone had a spare one- even better if it’s the one with the snowflake pattern whose name I can’t remember, that one is adorable. I dunno how exactly the friend system on this game works, but I’d like to find some frog friends as well- my friend code is 3PQMZ
Willing to trade Tribus,Glacio,lanterna chroma forms for any endangered or legendary frog.my friend code is 3DFK8. (glass chroma forms will be available soon when I cross breed, so if you want glass chromas then you have to wait a bit.) put your friend codes below.
Hi! I'm a new player, and have been doing a lot of frog breeding.
I have a Glass Chroma Velatus I am willing to trade with someone.
My Code is: 3DL3Q
8 Votes in Poll
Trading transparent chroma anuara
Edit: I’m trading this frog not asking for it I will send back
I need a glass frog my code is in my user name it would mean a lot I have been trying to get one for a while
Hi I am trying to get a couple colors that I am missing. If you have any Lime, Azure, or Glass frogs that you would be willing to send me I would really appreciate it! My code is 36RPS
Tangelo picea glacio and blue viola ornatus can nake a black glass ornatus
I bred them 7 times
I’ve recently picked this game back up after a couple years of not playing. Never had a backup, so started from scratch. Managed to get lucky and get a Chroma frog from one of the games, and then stumbled upon a Glass breeding combo the same day. I’ve recently finished breeding those traits into my highest level frogs, 2 level 5 Glass Chroma Bovis’. If anyone has been unable to obtain these traits, I’m willing to breed and trade a frog with both for any frog that’s over level 5 (the higher, the better haha). My friend code is “35FXH”
I was wondering if any one had any tips they could share? Or possiably a frog? Haha. My friend code is 34TSZ :)
I Have a lot of glass and chroma I can gift.
I am on level 27 so I can spare several high value critters as well.
My code is 2W270
A big thanks to 1LHB for all the frogs: send me your code so I can send some to you!
I’m still missing Tribus, Ludo, Marinus, Geminus, Bulla, and Persona. Code- 300YB
And if anyone would like some Glass Chromas: I have an addiction to breeding them so I can send one along, any breed you like.
I wasn’t keen on a complete set until after Level 17.
I have them all up to Glass Chroma Pompeius. But I am missing a BUNCH of frogs and would like to fill in some spots. I am certainly willing to trade, let me know what you need. I’ll clone it if I don’t have it.
I need: Glacio, Lanterna, Tribus, Ludo, Marinus, Geminus, Bulla, Persona, Vinaceus, Gyrus, Trivium, and Signum
Thanks in advance.
My code: 300YB
Note: 1LHB is a Golden God: Dextera, Obaro, Bulbus, and Imbris [Which I didn’t even know I needed]
Im finishing the bubbles set and I only need 3 more glass chroma gyrus if your wanting to trade im happy to do so. Thanks in advance