Once you hit 5000 frogs, we’re only left with the collections.
Would the idea of having awards for 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 75% & 100% of the froogydex be welcomed?
How about awards for 100% of each breed?
Why is it that once you reach level 9 all the times for the frogs are the same?
Wouldn’t it be slightly better that for each increase in level there’s an increase in time so between level 1 and 35 there was a gradual increase.
If we average it out now it’s 1h27min but it if we round it up to 1h30min we would get:
1 - 30min
2 - 2h
3 - 3h30min
35 - 51h30min
I know this is longer than the current max timings but it would help differentiate the levels a bit more.
Just an idea...?!
If anyone has these types of frogs, I'd greatly appreciate a gift of one. I have some extra scenery or any type of frog from level 1-13 (upon request) if you need it in return! My friend code is 2DRQJ. Thanks!
I love to help others. I have all the ?, and all colors, and would love to breed for you. As long as I have the stamps to send, I would love to start a request list here and work through it. This will be easier than me trying to keep up with multiple locations. I will take all frog requests, but please don't request a certain frog in specific colors (I will take requests for ANY blue frog) as I am working on things for other people as well as my own quests. Thank you and happy frogging!