I’ve recently started playing Pocket Frogs on my iPhone and iPad, I am just wondering how people find sets to complete because the list isn’t sortable.
Pocket Frogs Sets have 1-4+ frogs and the theme for each is based on the genus, breed, and type (see Froggydex). Themes also may include the various colors of specific breeds, and especially their identifiable “Pattern.”
The problem I’ve been having is finding a set applicable to my current level, and the frogs I’ve added to the Froggydex. I took me a couple weeks just to complete the entire 1st Genus/Breed, called “Anura” in every color, and type.
If I could search the “Set-Dex” for say...brown and green sets, or sets containing Ornatus & Sagitta, it would save me the time, effort, boring routine of starting a new search from the start, and I would be hooked on this game more so than I am.