I have had several different methods of playing Pocket Frogs over the years. Several years ago I purchased the VIP package, or whatever it was called back then. In 2020, they upgraded the VIP and I had to pay extra for the upgrade, which I did. Having the upgrade has been vital to me to breed the frogs faster, reach higher levels, get more coins to be able to buy more habitats. Having more habitats lets you breed frogs more quickly. If you can afford the VIP package, I highly recommend it. (I am not one to spend money on video games, but Pocket Frogs is my favorite game, so it was well worth the cost for me.)
Early on, I worked on getting the Awards, and now have 100% of those. While doing that I also used to just breed an entire frog breed to get it to 100%, in the order they are in the Froggydex. I am now at 61% of the Froggydex, having 100% of the first 48 breeds. That got boring.
I also have at least one of every single breed.
Then I worked exclusively on getting all the Sets; that was more fun. I have 233 Sets completed, all but the current one. It was sad when I finished the Sets, as I didn’t have anything fun to work toward.
Now I breed the frogs that I win in the pond or get as a daily gift. I also buy every frog in the FrogMart that I don’t already own, which at this point is just the first one listed (that has to be purchased with potions.)
The way I breed the frogs now is I just breed it for 100% of the primary color.
My first 3 habitats (1-3), I have a red background, to remind me not to sell those frogs. In those 3 habitats are only Anuras. 1 each of the SECONDARY color. So, Tingo, Carota, Aurum, Folium, Caelus, etc. The primary color doesn’t matter, I just made them in the rainbow colors because it helps my brain remember the secondary color easier.
So for instance, in this picture, I have the Green Picea Palma. I put the Green Palma frog in my Anura habitats (1-3), and breed it with each Anura. I only breed for the main color, in this photo it’s the Green Floris Palma. (I don’t worry about the Violet Palma, for instance.)
After I get the Green Floris Palma, then I will breed for the Green Albeo Palma, and so on.
When I get 100% of Green Palma, I sell that Green Picea Palma, go to my mailbox and get the next frog out, tame it and start breeding it the same way. This method is proving more interesting right now. I’m not getting 100% of a breed at one time as I did in the past, but it’s breaking up the boredom of seeing the same breed of frog for several days, so, it’s more fun.
I only use Anura frogs to breed. They are the cheapest. In fact, I don’t even bother keeping them or letting them grow to maturity, Most of the time I just get rid of them as eggs. I will move the Anura eggs to Habitat 4, then sell when I have more that needs to go in there. They aren’t worth enough to take up the space in the other habitats. I use the habitats for letting the other frogs mature, which will make much more money. Anuras are also cheap to clone from the Froggydex, so if I need a specific color for a Set, I just clone that color Anura to use for breeding. Then I sell it when I’m finished with it.
Anuras are expendable.
I make so much more money doing it this way.
I’m on Level 54 and have 55 habitats. I move all the eggs (except level 1, which is the Anuras) into these and let them mature. Most of the time to full maturity, but sometimes I’ll sell them when they still have 1 potions worth of maturing to do, if I have other eggs I need to move down. I play Pocket Frogs a lot because I have a disability and cannot work, so if I’m feeling bored and want to play, I don’t worry about waiting for full maturity.
I still earn plenty of coins to be able to buy new habitats or to clone frogs from the Froggydex for the Sets. Usually I can earn at least 1,000,000 coins a day, sometimes much more.
(I sure wish I had a way to earn real money the way I do in Pocket Frogs!!!)
Sorry this is so long, I’m just very detail oriented.