STARTING A NEW "?❤️ Need a Breed (or Glass/Chroma)?❤️?" FORUM, since the old one has reached it's limit.
STARTING A NEW "?❤️ Need a Breed (or Glass/Chroma)?❤️?" FORUM, since the old one has reached it's limit.
Oh that is a different PocketFrogs Discord server than the one listed as very active discord server on the Pocket_Frogs_Wiki:Community_portal. I have been hanging out at and found them to be a very active, helpful and chatty group. has 149 members with 18 online at the moment. has 1282 members with 158 online at the moment.
Check them both out! See which works best for you.
Does anybody have a biplex frog? My friend code is 2C6LP
Anyone have any extra glass/chroma frogs they don’t want that I can take off their hands? I started yesterday and I want to collect some of the colors. Friend code is 2hn3q. I am currently trying to collect all glass/chroma promofrogs. The ones I have so far are Glacio, Bulla, Tribus, Ludo, and Geminius (<<most of these I cant make glass/chroma since I am only on level six. As I gain more exp/levels I will be able to breed them) Side note: I do trades, if you don’t want to give them to me for free (FFF) The frogs I have that I can “trade” are glass chroma glacios, glass picea glacios, azure cafea ludos, and glass albeo glacios.
^ feel free to reply here or wherever you’d like ?
Hi there! I've been trying to get all potion frogs and so I've been in need of frogs since finding this wiki. If you could shoot one over to me, that would be amazing. My code is my user. Have a good day!
2C13F wrote: Hi there! I've been trying to get all potion frogs and so I've been in need of frogs since finding this wiki. If you could shoot one over to me, that would be amazing. My code is my user. Have a good day!
I just sent you the rest of the Potion Frogs that I didn’t see in your habitats - you should have them all up to your current level now
My inbox is full so idk if i got some of your frogs. If some were sent back, it's cause I was full of frogs already and I don't have enough stamps for all of them. Thank you so much for the frogs
2C13F wrote: My inbox is full so idk if i got some of your frogs. If some were sent back, it's cause I was full of frogs already and I don't have enough stamps for all of them. Thank you so much for the frogs
They don’t get sent back, they will go into your mailbox when there’s room and you restart the app - as long as you don’t sell them